New Moon, New Chapter?

  Time is literally flying by this year! We are just 5 weeks away from turning a new leaf and starting the new year! Can you believe it? Speaking of turning a new leaf, the New Moon in Sagittarius just passed November 22nd. I’m not an avid astrology follower but I do believe the planets and moon phases can influence certain behaviors, moods and attitudes. There is a known fact that our bodies are made up of 70% something water so it would make sense when these huge supermoons or blood moons occur that perhaps we too feel an energetic shift.

So what is a new moon anyway and how does this relate to us? The moon is barely visible during the New Moon phase versus when it’s full we can spot it right away. New moons represent a time of trust and setting intention, starting anew or working from a blank page and creating a new chapter in your life. It’s also a time of letting go of the old and embracing what is to come.

New moons are about planting seeds of intentions, sending out prayers/thoughts to the Universe of what you’d like to see manifest, develop or cultivate. Its a period of reflection, learning to trust the dark or void energy, sitting in idle and trusting in the magic of the universe. We live in a time where everything is immediate and fast but sometimes there is a law of delay in which timing is everything. We can’t always get what we want right away but if we learn to just wait a little bit perhaps a better opportunity or experience is arriving.

Are you at a crossroads in your life where it’s time to let go of something old and embrace something new? It’s not too late to draw on this energy and creatively visualize your life in the next 3-6 months.

Even in my own personal experience the last few days I’ve been feeling this massive push to donate so many things and sell items I no longer have a use for but had represented something sentimental to me at one point. There is always something bittersweet in letting go of the old but yet so phenomenally exciting to see what else is out there? What does your blank page look like?  Let go and start a new chapter!

New Year, New Moon, New You!

new-moon-jan-2014Happy 2014! This year has a special energetic vibration because for the first time in 19 years we started the first official day of 2014 with a new moon! A new moon  represents new beginnings, chapter and opportunity to start fresh. How rare for us to literally and symbolically start off 2014 with a clean slate!

This new moon energy may inspire people to plant seeds for the future, recharge goals or create new ones such as our infamous new year’s resolutions. There is no better time than now to really start putting those dreams and goals to work.

The great thing about this new moon is the universe gave it to us twice this month so if you missed the window of new moon energy this week, focus your energy for the next one at the end of this month!

Sometimes as we begin our new year we tend to reflect on the last one which can definitely create mixed emotions, regrets, and also a sense of gratitude. Wherever your reflections take you, just remember to focus on the present and not dwell on the past. It’s much easier said than done but practicing mindfulness for at least 5 minutes a day this year will help to enhance your experience of the new year and being present.

With this new year and new moon, our souls don’t automatically just reset and we become a new person. However we can take this energy and focus on changing the aspects of ourselves and our lives to create a new sense of self or environment.

Perhaps you’ve been wanting to focus on your spirituality but have lacked the motivation or want to change your job/career, eat better, exercise or have better relationships. Sometimes when we think of a new life for ourselves or a new self, we think we need to make drastic overnight changes for it to be really in effect. However change doesn’t work like that. It does for some but for the average person, we make a resolution/goal, stick to it for a little while and then fall back on it.

So how can we take steps to creating a new life or a better self? Baby steps. Most of us want to run before we can walk. For anything to become a habit, studies show it takes approximately 21 days. That’s almost an entire month! For the next 21 days, take baby steps towards the things you want to see manifest in your life. Instead of trying to make it to the gym every day, make it at least twice a week.  If you want to learn how to meditate, look up a class to attend or download some free meditations. Every step, no matter how big or small is one step closer to achieving that vision of your new life, career or higher self.

It takes time and patience but with anything that we commit to results will soon come. Happy New Year and may all of your dreams come true!