A Life of Happiness.

  Do you ever hear someone say, “When I do this then I will be happy”?

So often, we think of happiness as a place we arrive at, a destination. But what happens when you reach that goal or get to that place where you think you will be happy?

You keep going, that’s what happens. When we real that ultimate goal of supposed happiness we make a new one and think that will be the key to our happiness. Then we strive and push forward trying to manifest the next goal so we can then truly be happy.

Are you starting to see a pattern here? We are always going to think that there is something better for us and will always want more in life. However, happiness doesn’t come from having more or achieving more. Happiness comes in how we live our daily lives.

We can go about our daily routines and ignore the small things that make us happy like someone complimenting you, lunch with a close friend or simply having a home to go to at the end of the day.

We can easily take these small things for granted and often do. Happiness comes from taking notice of what you do have and are given each day rather than some obtained state or destination you have to reach before you can experience true happiness.

So the next time you catch yourself thinking you will be truly happy when…just remind yourself of what you can be happy about here, right now, in the present moment.

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